Panel of Experts Sheds Light on Pandemic

On February 1, the Groton community gathered for a virtual Circle Talk and heard from four panelists who are on the front lines fighting COVID-19 in hospitals and communities.

The panelists—Dr. Lindsey Baden, an infectious disease expert at Brigham and Women's Hospital who worked on the Moderna vaccine trial; Dr. David Cheever ’05, an emergency physician at the Gallup Indian Medical Center in New Mexico; Chekemma Fulmore-Townsend ’97, president and CEO of the Philadelphia Youth Network; and Dr. Moira Sinnott ’00, a pediatric dentist and anesthesiology resident at St. Barnabas Hospital—held a lively discussion on their experiences with COVID-19. English teacher Peter Fry moderated the discussion.

Dr. Baden, Dr. Cheever, and Dr. Sinnott shared the impact of the pandemic on their hospitals, and Ms. Fulmore-Townsend described how the pandemic has structurally changed her nonprofit.

Vaccines were a popular topic of discussion, and Dr. Baden, referring to his work with Moderna, provided insight into how vaccines work and why they are important. “It was interesting to see what doctors had to say on a disease that has had such a significant impact on our lives,” said Jiacheng Kang ’22. Theo Gillibrand ’22 added that “it was encouraging to hear from doctors that social distancing and wearing masks really help save lives and prevent hospitals from overloading with patients.”—Evan Cheigh '22 
