Grad School Boot Camp
Thank you for your interest in Grad School Boot Camp.

How does this work?
This boot camp is dedicated to helping you prepare for grad school. You'll work with a small group led by Dr. Kat Robinson.

The program has a mix of virtual sessions and work to be done outside of the sessions. 

You are invited by the Bevan Center for Academic Excellence to participate in Eckerd's ninth  Virtual Graduate School Boot Camp, to be held on June 10th and July 8th 2024. Each day will require roughly two hours of pre-and post-work with an hour of a virtual session (each day at 8 pm EST. The program will include virtual sessions and require work to be done outside of the sessions. If you are interested in participating, please register by May 10th. 

We look forward to working with you and a small group of your peers to help you navigate the graduate school application process. 

If you have any questions, please contact Asst. Dean Kat Robinson, Scholarships, Fellowships, and Academic Awards, at 

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Rate your confidence on the following topics: *
We'll use this information to better tailor the content for you!
Not Confident (1)
Moderately Confident (3)
Very Confident (5)
Creating and tailoring a resume
Converting your resume into a CV
Searching for funded graduate programs
Budgeting for grad school applications
Creating a personalized grad school search
Crafting a personal statement
Asking for letters of recommendation
Developing a budget during grad school
Seeking professional development opportunities
Drafting emails to potential programs for more information
Work-life balance
Networking with professionals in your field
Setting professional boundaries
I am interested in participating in this opportunity *
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