Parents from Near and Far Visit Groton for Parents Weekend

Groton School welcomed nearly 350 families to the Circle October 21–23 for a Parents Weekend filled with parent-faculty conferences, student performances, receptions, athletic games, and a variety of other activities—all against the backdrop of a Circle dressed in beautiful, autumnal colors.

One highlight of every Parents Weekend is the headmaster’s address, which this year brimmed with gratitude as well as reflection on the impact of the pandemic. “How has the pandemic affected or changed your wonderful children?” Headmaster Temba Maqubela asked.

His answer was simple and clear: “They are better people.”

Mr. Maqubela said he has observed that students take less for granted and express gratitude for privileges large and small. “They look us in the eye when our paths cross . . . they remember to say ‘thank you’ before saying ‘please.’” Routine privileges, which were on hold earlier in the pandemic, now spark comments of appreciation. “Having Surprise Holiday . . . having Parlor in the Headmaster’s House, singing in Chapel—our beloved students have been wonderful,” he said. 

Families traveled to Groton from all over the globe and spent a significant part of the weekend meeting with their children’s teachers and advisors. Nearly 2,400 faculty-parent conferences took place over the weekend, excluding 118 scheduled virtually for families who were unable to attend in person—about half the number of virtual conferences that occurred last year.

The weekend also included presentations on counseling, college counseling, spiritual life, and Global Education Opportunities; a luncheon for international families; and a Parents Weekend concert showcasing the instrumental, vocal, and dance talents of Groton students. 

The most important activity doesn’t change from year to year: down time for parents and children together.
